Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Little thought about friend ;)

Teman adalah orang yang gue anggep sangat berharga. Sayangnya, hanya beberapa dari teman itu yang mungkin menganggap gue berharga. Tiap hari ke sekolah, ketemu temen. Jalan bareng temen. Jajan sama temen. Hampir semua hal yang kita lakuin, pasti bareng-bareng sama temen.
Tapi kenapa dengan fakta spt itu, masih banyak temen yang palsu, berkhianat, bahkan ngomongin dari belakang. Apa mereka ga puas akan keadaan temen yang mereka punya?

Selama 16 tahun ini, gue uda punya banyak banget temen deket, bahkan sahabat. Mereka datang silih berganti, dan pergi juga silih berganti. Ada yang bisa bikin gue percaya banget sama mereka, sampe gue cerita hampir semua isi hati dan kehidupan gue. Tapi ternyata bisa kita liat, ga ada orang yg bisa dipercaya, karna ujung-ujungnya hal yg kita percayaain itu bakalan bocor juga.

Kepercayaan itu kayak ember. Semakin gede tampungannya, semakin gede bocornya,

Gossip. Hal yang kita selalu lakuin sama temen. Gossipin artis, gossipin cowo, bahkan gossipin temen lain yang lagi ga ikutan gossip sama kita. Sadar ga sih, orang yg ngegossip sama kita itu, mungkin saat kita ngga ada, mereka malah yg ngegossipin kita loh.

Maka dari itu, gue pikir terkadang kepercayaan itu sebenernya kata yang ga perlu jadi kata. Gue juga ga ngerti. Intinya buat apa ada kepercayaan kalo ujung-ujungnya kepercayaan itu dilanggar juga. Apalagi kalo dilanggar sm temen sendiri, malesin banget kan.

Barusan kebetulan gue liat quotes yang pas sama postingan kali ini.
Trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.

Ada juga yang bilang gini:
Friend is like a brand. Some is real, some is fake.

Tapi bagi gue:

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


Career Inventory Test Results

Extroversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 63%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 40%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||| 43%
Altruism ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Inquisitiveness ||||||||||||||| 50%

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The script

anyway, ini script yg gue bikin. maaf yah kalo agak aneh. komentar, please! :)

When The Beauty Matchstick Seller Meets The Beast

This is a story about The Girl Who Sells Matchsticks and Beauty & The Beast. We combined it. J

Jilly………………..........…....The Beauty / The Matchstick Girl

Oka……………....…..............The Beast

Maria Vanessa……………..The Witch

Nius……………………..........The Beauty’s Mother

Anthony……………………...The Beauty’s Father

Ellena……………..................The Beauty’s Best Friend

Gio……………………….........The Beast’s Assistant

Hartanto……………………..The Beast’s Father


#ACT1 : Punishment

Narrator: Once upon a time, there is a rich but rude and arrogant man named Mr. Hartanto who always humiliates other people that have a bad luck and bad look. He has a very big castle which he lived with his son and assistant. His son’s name is Oka. One day, he was walking on the street with his son and assistant, then he meets a dirty woman and humiliated that woman whom had a bad look.

Hartanto: Eewh, what a ugly and dirty woman. I hate her just by looking at her!

Maria: What do you mean by that?

Hartanto: I just don’t like ugly people, they make our country looks bad. Just go away!

Maria: (smile)

Narrator: Unfortunately, that woman is a witch. Oops.

Maria: Hey man, I’ve been looking at you this whole time. I know you are such a arrogant and rude man, that’s why you have to be punished.

Hartanto: I don’t care about what are you saying, dirty woman.

Maria: (take off her magic stick and change his son, Oka, to be a very ugly boy and make Hartanto disappear.)

Oka: Hey! What did you do to me? (shocked)

Maria: This is because of your father attitude! You both have been punished! You have to find a girl who really love you with all of her heart, and if you don’t found her in a year, you’ll be forever like this.

Oka: YOU!!! I HATE YOU!!!! THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU!!! (punch his father)

Hartanto & Oka: (FIGHTING!) (Gio try to stop them)(Hartanto run away)

[Maria suddenly disappear]


Narrator: In other place, there is a woman named Jilly who has an unfortunate family. Her father was sick but she has no money to buy her father medicine. Her mother is an unemployment. One day, in a snowy night, Jilly came out to sell matchsticks to gain money to buy a medicine for her father.

Jilly: Matchsticks…. It would be useful in this snowy and cold night…. Uhuk. Uhuk.

Narrator: His mother was thinking of his daughter, why did she not go home yet? Where have she been? And then she went out to find his daughter.

Nius: Jilly, Jilly, where are you? JILLYYYY!!!

Narrator: Suddenly, Nius is pulled by a mysterious guy and she’s disappeared. But, Ellena, Jilly’s best friend saw where’d her taken and she went to find Jilly.



Ellena: Your mom is taken by a mysterious guy!


#ACT2 : Kidnapped Mother

Nius: Why did you take me here?!

Oka: Hmm.. No. I’ve caught a wrong person.

Nius: What?! Who did you actually want to caught?

Oka: A witch that made me like this, she has a similar face with you. Hmm.. I’m sorry.

Nius: It’s okay. What’s your name?

Oka: You can call me Beast.

Narrator: At the same time, Jilly and Ellena was running to the castle where Jilly’s mom had caught.


[The door opened]

Gio: Who are you?

Jilly: I’m looking for my mom, where is she?!

[Oka get out with Nius] [Jilly & Ellena shocked after look at Oka’s face]

Nius: Jilly! Ellena! How could you two came here? Let’s go home!!

Oka: No! You can go home but your daughter must be left here. I have something to say to her. (actually oka was fall in love with jilly at the first sight)

Nius: No! I won’t go home without my daughter!

Jilly: It’s okay mom, I also want to hear his explain why he take you here. I’ll go home as soon as possible.

Narrator: And then Nius and Ellena go home. Then, Oka and Jilly get in to the castle.

#ACT3 : When Beauty Meets The Beast

Oka: Hey, what’s your name?

Jilly: Jilly, and you? Why did your face…

Oka: Ehm… Well, you can call me Beast, and… About my face, I think you don’t need to know about that.

Jilly: Hmm… Okay. Why should I be here?

Oka: I live alone here, just with my assistant. Would you accompany me for a few day here? I feel very lonely in this big castle.

Jilly: *thinking* Okay, but only for a few day, okay?

Oka: Thank you, Jilly! J GIOOO!!! COME HERE!

[Gio is coming]

Oka: Jilly, this is Gio. If there’s something you need, just talk to him.

Jilly: Okay, nice to meet you, Gio!

Gio: Nice to meet you, too.

Narrator: Everyday, Jilly help Gio to clean up and gardening. She sometimes cook for Oka and then eat together. Although Oka never seems care with Jilly, he always watching everything Jilly doing without Jilly knows. They also spend time together. Each day, Oka love her more because of her kindness and inner beauty.


#ACT4 : Dream

Narrator: One day, Jilly was dreaming about her father. In her dream, her father is calling Jilly’s name . And then, when Jilly woke up, she tells Oka that she wants to go home.

Oka: But you will come back here, right?

Jilly: It depends.

Oka: Please, don’t go if you won’t come back!

Jilly: But I should go home, I was dreaming about my father!

Oka: Okay, I’ll give you a Blackberry, call me or at least BBM!

Jilly: Okay, then. I’ll contact you. Bye, Beast!


Narrator: When Jilly arrived at her home, his father is become healthier than before. Jilly was shocked. How come?

Jilly: I’m home, Mom, Dad! How are you?

Nius: We are fine, and you?

Jilly: I miss you both! Hmm… Dad, how could you be like this? You are healthy now.

Anthony: This is because that guy, Beast, he paid a doctor to come to our house everyday to take care of me. He is a nice guy. But, I think you don’t need to come back to his castle.

Jilly: Why??

Nius: Because he looks like a monster and make me scared. Don’t you scared?

Narrator: Jilly choose to listen to her mom&dad to not come back to the castle and stay at home.

#ACT6 : Garden Full Of Flowers

Oka: Gio! I need your help!

Gio: Yes, sir? What do you want me to do?

Oka: I want to make a garden full of flower for Jilly, because she said she love flowers and her hobby is gardening. So, I need your help.

Gio: Do you make this to prove your love? Cieeee.

Oka: When she come back, I want to propose her. J

#ACT7 : Marry Me!

Narrator: Jilly was always thinking about Oka, what is he doing? Is he eaten yet? But she keep stay at home like what her parents command. But, Oka always PING!!! PING!!! PING!!! her. Finally, she is confused and she go back to the castle.

Jilly: Why did you PING!!! PING!!! me? Is there any important thing?

Oka: Yes. I have something I want to show you.

Jilly: What?

Oka: [grab jilly’s hand and take her to the flower garden]

Jilly: WOWWW! This is awesome.

Oka: Jilly, I think I wanna marry you. Do you want to be my wife?

Jilly: *shocked* I do. J

Narrator: Well… Then, Oka transform to be a charming prince. And then, they live happily ever after. THE END.

Well, that's it. Don't forget to leave you comment! ;)


hallo, sudah lama tidak post lagi hihihi. uda sekitar 3 bulanan yah? lama juga yak.
well, beberapa waktu yg lewat ini gue merasa sdikit berubah lebih baik dan sangat bersyukur banget atas apa yg uda Tuhan beri kpd gue.

bulan september-oktober kemaren gue sempet camping&retret.
di camping, gue harus masak sendiri dan ngerasain tidur bener2 di tenda yang alasnya tanah merah ditutup sama tikar tipis yg masi tetep berasa gundukan tanahnya. bener-bener bersyukur banget kita masih bisa tidur di dalem kamar, diatas ranjang. ga kaya orang2 yg lain yg ga seberuntung kita, harus tidur di tanah, tiap malem kedinginan dan tiap siang kepanasan.

dan retret. retret kali ini adalah retret gue yg terbaik! faith, hope and love nya dapet banget. retret yg temanya "citra Allah yg peduli" ga akan bisa gue lupain. mereka buat hati kita tergerak utk peduli sm sesama kita dan menggali hati kita buat bisa lebih bersyukur atas apa yg kita punya sekarang. gue ngerasa disana nyamaaann banget, rasanya ga mau pulanggg. karna disana rasanya bisa tenang dan aman banget, ngerasa bener2 Tuhan tuh hadir diantara kita disana.

terus beberapa hari lalu, sempet juga ada tugas buat bikin script drama inggris per kelompok, dan script nya deadline banget. pd suatu hari tiba2 mam' bilang kalo kita harus kumpul script nya lusa. matenggg. akhirnya gue buat script nya 1 hari sebelom tugas harus dikumpul, gue rada pesimis script yg gue buat bakal aneh dan gajelas. tapi ternyata pas jadi not bad lahhh, dan pas diliat sama temen2 gue, mereka bilang bagusss banget dan kata mereka gue cocok jadi penulis :) aaahhh. ga nyangka! senangnyaaaa! ternyata gue nemuin bakat gue juga hihihi thank God!

every moment, i'll thank God! :D

oh iya, ini foto kost-an gue yg gue janjiin di post sebelumnya. maaf ya telat! gara2 kemaren itu hp gue sempet disita 3bulan jadi baru bisa difoto sekarang :D

ini ruang depan nya, ada tempat duduk, kaca, ember baju kotor, dan keranjang baju yg abis dicuci. di kanan adalah pintu2 kamar kost. dan diujung dalem ada kamar mandi dan dapur.

ini adalah isi dari kamar gue yaitu disebelah kiri ada meja belajar, trus itu lemari beserta tv gue.
dan benda kotak di depan lemari itu adalah ac gue (sbenernya semacem kipas angin jg) dan atasnya ada dvd player.

dan ini lah tempat tidur gue! JENG JENGGG :3

begitulah sekilas tampak kos-kosan gue. bagaimana pendapat kalian? :D